What can DBLR™ do?

DBLR™ is a highly valuable investigative tool which allows STRmix™ users to: 

Optionally include Amelogenin in the calculations (New in DBLR™ v1.4)

Apply population stratification in the Kinship, Search Database and Explore Deconvolution modules.

Leverage probabilistic links within the Kinship module to probabilistically condition on the presence of a sample donor.

Utilise sequence based data from STRmix™ NGS or a UAS Sample Details Report within the Kinship, Search Database and Explore Deconvolution modules.

Undertake direct comparison of one or many components of a forensic DNA mixture to a database of known individuals (i.e. “Who contributed to the profile?”).

Carry out familial searching for a range of different relationships including siblings, half-siblings, parents, and children (i.e. “Is there a relative of the donor in the database?”).

Search for common contributors between mixed DNA profiles (mixture to mixture comparisons).  These LRs can be visualised using a heat map, and include cluster graphs.

Determine the genotypes of the most likely contributors to a profile.


Visualise the value of evidence by calculating expected LRs for one or many components of forensic DNA profiles for true and non-contributors using randomly generated individuals.

Manage automated searches for one or many DNA profiles against one or many databases of known individuals.  Includes direct matching between databases.

Manage databases of known contributors and STRmix™ deconvolutions from unsolved casework for easy matching.

Combine multiple evidence profiles under the assumption that there is a common contributor within the different samples (Common Donor).

Build any pedigree imaginable and calculate likelihood ratios given the different propositions (Kinship)Kinship pedigrees can now take sex into account (New in DBLR™ v1.4).

Model linkage, mutation and FST in the Kinship module.

Protect your settings with a user defined password.